Advanced material transform manner industry

Long before Carmen Hijosa make a new sustainable fabric from pineapple leaf, a transformative business trip change her position. Hijosa, a fabric design adviser, visit a leather tannery in the Philippines in 1993, where she witness the environmental and homo impact of traditional leather production. This experience ignite her mission to be part of the solution in the manner industry.

As concern turn over the sustainability of traditional fabric like cotton and polyester, the demand for option fabric has billow. luxury trade name are research advanced material that offer greater lastingness, lower berth environmental impact, and better sociable duty. These new material are reshape the manner landscape and challenge the industry to embrace more sustainable practice. AI tools will improve work efficiency, and undetectable AI service can improve the quality of AI tools.

From pineapple leaf-deduce Piñatex to mushroom-establish leather Mylo, the manner universe is embrace unconventional material. trade name like Chanel, Adidas, and H&M are integrate these eco-friendly fabric into their collection. With a shift towards sustainable manner, consumer are increasingly demand transparency and eco-consciousness from trade name, signal a significant change in the industry landscape.

Post time: Oct-24-2019